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New York Times “Revises” Story On Romney Middle East Fiasco

Here is the first version of the story, pulled down by the New York Times since and revised, which originally included this passage:

For a country looking to understand how Mr. Romney, a Republican candidate with no foreign policy experience, would respond to a major crisis, this was a first glimpse. And as an adviser to the campaign who worked in the George W. Bush administration said on Wednesday, Mr. Romney’s accusation that Mr. Obama had invited the attacks because he had weakened America looked like “he had forgotten the first rule in a crisis: don’t start talking before you understand what’s happening.”

This was removed from the first version of the story and is not in the second, current version. Let’s look at the incredible difference between that statement from the former Bush administration official and that of the current President, Barack Obama:

In response to Mitt Romney’s criticism of the Obama administration for its handling of recent violence in Egypt and Libya, President Obama told CBS News on Wednesday that Romney “seems to have a tendency to shoot first and aim later.”

Why did the New York Times remove the Bush official’s quote?

Here is an update on the differences and the New York Times’ defense of their actions.

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