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Scriptwriter Of Hate Film: “Why Would I Be Bothered” By Deaths Of Americans

Who is behind this so-called movie? I have now seen the (banned from YouTube) trailer and it shows nonstop dubbing job on a film that would be comical in a different situation, full of one hateful scene after another, designed to insult and anger any thinking person. “Muhammad” has his face jammed into a woman’s […]

Timeline Reveals Horrifying Romney Political Opportunism On Diplomat’s Death

It is hard to express how disgusting this timeline is. Here is a detail of what happened in Libya, where the attack seems to have been the work of Al Qaeda taking revenge for the US killing of their second in command in June 2012. Dan Senor, the chief Bush apologist in Iraq from circa […]


This is disgraceful and should disqualify him from being the President of the United States. He is making a political attack to exploit an attack where four Americans were killed, and it’s based on a lie. He is trying to make people believe the US Embassy in Cairo denounced the film after a mob attacked […]


It is what it is, people. Apparently the Romney organization wants us to back the neocon filmmaker who intentionally provoked the protests. The US Embassy in Cairo actually had to spend time defending against Romney’s attacks at the same time a mob was trying to get inside.

Condemning a United States Embassy hours before […]


A reporter has now seen many more PDBs than just the one read to Bush on August 6th, 2001.

Bush knew. To the degree that any President, or anyone who can read a memo can know, Bush knew.

Obama Goes Over The 50% Mark In CNN Poll

This is quite significant, and the beginning signs of a major victory in November.

Romney-Ryan Can’t Name A Single Tax Loophole They Would Close

Despite it being at the center of their supposed tax plan. Ryan couldn’t name one yesterday, and Romney couldn’t name one. That, in turn, inevitably leads to this:

Pat Robertson Suggests Man Beat His Wife

Pat Robertson, who was at Mitt Romney’s side this weekend when Mitt said President Obama would remove the word “God” from coins, tops this by suggesting a man beat his wife (since divorce is obviously never an option). During the first clip you see here, Robertson was seated in the front row, on the far […]

Romney at NASCAR Race Could Not Name A Single Driver

I guess his entire staff is so scared of him they won’t even tell him he has to be ready for this stuff. It’s unbelievable. The man is a gaffe machine.


Go Chris Kluwe, maybe there is hope for the NFL after all. The players should strike to protect the referees’ jobs.