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Romney: “No One Dies” From Lack of Health Insurance

Tell that to 45,000 people a year. His claim is not only out of touch, it’s dangerously frighteningly wrong.

Vice Presidential Debate

What Charlie said.

Ryan’s Gutter Gambit

Last night saw the single dirtiest thing ever done in a US televised national debate for President or Vice President. It should live in infamy.

Read this.

Don’t Boo, Vote

Take it up to fullscreen.

10 Years Ago Today

Congress voted to authorize the use of military force by invading Iraq, a sovereign country that was not attacking the United States and had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. 2 year later I started this blog, largely in order to express my opposition. Here is a tribute to (and a list of) the […]

Elizabeth Warren For President

All you have to do in order to see why I said that is watch this video from tonight’s debate in Massachusetts. Warren-Franken 2016!

This Is What Hypocrisy Looks Like

Good Job O’Brien.

It’s All Ohio

As it was in 2004, the election is going to come down to the state of Ohio. Take a look at this speculative electoral college results map and I will explain below it.

This is a map of what Romney has to do to win the Presidency if Obama wins Ohio. He has to win […]

Romney Defies Family Of SEAL Killed In Libya Attack

He will do anything to win. Anything to win. Quoting Doherty’s mother:

“I don’t trust Romney. He shouldn’t make my son’s death part of his political agenda. It’s wrong to use these brave young men, who wanted freedom for all, to degrade Obama.”

Here he is on the night of the attacks, trying […]

Romney Gets “Tough”

Obama campaign gets tougher.