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US Deaths Escalating

Last week, 4 Marines died in Fallujah but managed to take with them at least 400 “insurgents”. This weekend, 5 Marines die at Syrian border taking out 25 “insurgents”. Hmmm… sounds to me like their gaining on “us”. I wonder… think Bushco is beginning to consider we may be losing ground here?

Let’s see what positive messages he has for us this week. I predict he’ll completely silence the deaths and focus on his ‘accomplishment’ of UN involvement in the new gov. I also predict ‘Spain’ won’t be in this week’s Bushco lexicon.

Oh, and check this out from the linked Post article…

“He added that Kellogg Brown & Root, a unit of Halliburton Co., has begun offering trucking companies 1 million dinars — about $700 — for an overnight truck trip in some cases, a large sum in a country where $200 is considered a decent monthly salary. “The drivers still refuse,” Abu Abdullah said, even when the firm has offered armed escorts to accompany the convoys.”

Since “we’re” rolling in the money and find it easier to bribe than provide adaquate security, perhaps Bushco should call Blackwater and have them offer to hire those Spanish soldiers.

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