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The John O’Neill Standard

Semper Fi, Roy “Butcher” Hoffman, John O’Neill, Karl Rove, and all the others responsible. The “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth,” liars and political operators, strike again:

Still, Cpl. Travis Eichelberger, 22, was featured on the local news, and it seemed like everyone in his home town of Atchison, Kan., knew he had been awarded the medal. He even received the state-issued Purple Heart license plate when he bought his new GMC truck in 2003.

“When you wear it, people look at you and give you respect,” said Eichelberger, still recovering from a broken pelvis and intestinal damage from being run over by an Abrams tank. “And now it’s been taken away from us. What are we supposed to tell people? If they don’t know the story, it makes us look as if we were lying.”

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