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US Jails in Iraq Packed With Innocents and Growing

Daily winning the hearts and minds of Iraqis with these great tactics.

Mazin Farouq, a 35-year-old photo lab technician, was held for six months. Farouq was shot by U.S. soldiers as he and two friends drove home to Baghdad one November night last year after a vacation trip to Syria. He said they did not see the checkpoint and fled in panic when they heard shots. Finding nothing, the soldiers immediately freed the two friends and took Farouq to nearby Abu Ghraib for treatment at its field hospital.

He said he received excellent medical care and expected to be released. Instead, he was placed in detention. Two months later, he was transferred to Bucca. After making numerous calls and visits to the ministries of interior and human rights, Farouq’s parents finally were told his case would be reviewed in early May. Farouq was released May 9.

In an interview, he said he believes his incarceration was a cover-up.

“They did not suspect me, but I think they made a mistake and all these procedures are to protect the soldier who committed this mistake,” he said.

And I think he is correct.

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