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CIA Agent Fired For Telling Truth About WMD

He says he was fired in 2004 because he earlier found important WMD evidence. Guess what it was about? The destruction, long ago, of Iraq’s nuclear weapons program. This guy worked in the same unit as Mrs. Wilson.

Mr. Krieger [the agent’s lawyer] said he had asked the court handling the case to declassify his client’s suit, but the C.I.A. had moved to classify most of his motion seeking declassification. He added that he recently sent a letter to the director of the F.B.I. requesting an investigation of his client’s complaints, but that the C.I.A. had classified that letter, as well.

Most of the details of the case, he said, “were classified by the C.I.A., not to protect national security but to conceal politically embarrassing facts from public scrutiny.”

How long before they expose this guy’s identity and smear him?

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