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Excuses Have Run Out

There has been almost no negotiation during the “deadline extension” for the Iraqi constitution; Thursdy in fact they did not even convene. Now it’s been announced there is no plan to have the Parliament vote on whatever-it-was-they-were-working-on. The American media does not have the basic decency to touch this; Bush has taken a vacation from his vacation to the panhandle of Idaho, timed to coincide with this whimper-not-a-bang. Don’t believe this? Read this essay, he’s gathered a lot more links and facts than I have.

Here’s one he didn’t mention though (he wrote it before the news became official): there is no Iraqi Parliament now. They dissolved rather than vote on their creation, it is that unpopular. That very document was the (most recent) official reason the US was staying in Iraq. “Stay the course?” As of today, there is no “course.”

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