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Right-Wing “protesters” attack each other

This is what rightwing goon squads recruited by hate radio do to the free speech of people who signs they don’t understand:

The sign being ripped in two is a sarcastic, pro-Bush, anti-Sheehan sign and the attacker doesn’t get it.

You can’t make this stuff up. Even better account with pictures here from Crawford.

In one heated moment, members of the pro-Bush crowd turned on what they mistakenly thought were a group of anti-war protesters, cursing them, threatening them and tearing down their signs. A police officer rushed the group to safety.

Note that the part in the article about Bush intervening and the “negotiations continuing” in Iraq is now “inoperative.” The negotiations are over despite Bush’s desperate last-minute intervention attempts. Read the red print in the article below to see how the “stay the course” policy worked out.

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