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Houston Press Conference Collapses as Astrodome Czar Walks Out

Houston Chronicle

Thousands of furious evacuees sweltering for hours on traffic-choked freeways Thursday put a stain on what had been a generally successful response by state and local governments faced with back-to-back weather emergencies in Texas.

“This was not in the plan,” County Judge Robert Eckels said, turning away from the lectern after a news briefing dominated by questions about the gridlock that resulted from the evacuation ahead of Hurricane Rita.

For the most part, the officials didn’t offer much analysis of what might have gone wrong. They focused instead on the scramble to keep thousands of motorists from what Mayor Bill White called a potential “death trap” should the storm strike while they were stranded on the road.

Like I said before, that crazy corrupt mayor. What the heck was he thinking? Doesn’t even know how to protect his own people.

And by the way, Bush was scheduled to come meet with this two and slap them on the back for what a good job they were doing.

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