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In favor of a FEMA contractor who took days to even begin arranging buses, while people died waiting in New Orleans.

“We never talked directly to FEMA or got a call back from them,” Pantuso said.

Pantuso, whose members include some of the nation’s largest motor coach companies, including Greyhound and Coach USA, eventually learned that the job of extracting tens of thousands of residents from flooded New Orleans wasn’t being handled by FEMA at all.

Instead the agency had farmed the work out to a trucking logistics firm, Landstar Express America, which in turn hired a limousine company, which in turn engaged a travel management company.

Over the next four days, those companies and a collection of Louisiana officials cobbled together a fleet of at least 1,100 buses that belatedly descended on New Orleans to evacuate residents waiting amid the squalor and mayhem of the Superdome and the city’s convention center.

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