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Illegal Spying Led to Pentagon Break-Ins in US

Washington Post– This looks like Operation Minaret only on a much larger, more intrusive scale. In 1975 NSA chief Allen was questioned about Minaret during the Church hearings:

Overall, Allen said that 1,200 Americans citizens’ calls were intercepted over six years, and that about 1,900 reports were issued in three areas of terrorism. As the Church hearings later showed, the Army expanded the NSA collection and had units around the country gather names and license plates of those attending antiwar rallies and demonstrations. That, in turn, led to creation of files on these individuals within Army intelligence units. At one point a Senate Judiciary subcommittee showed the Army had amassed about 18,000 names. In response, Congress in 1978 passed the Foreign Intelligence Security Act, which limited NSA interception of calls from overseas to U.S. citizens or those involving American citizens traveling abroad.

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