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This would mean impeachment for any previous President, Democrat or Republican. TOLEDO BLADE– Now we have proof of a quid pro quo as Noe continued to rise to power after flooding the Ohio 2004 Bush campaign with money stolen from taxpayers, putting Bush over the top and winning the Presidency. Noe is now under a 53-felony indictment.

In April, 2003, President Bush signed a bill establishing the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee, which replaced the Citizens Commemorative Coinage Advisory Committee, a panel that advised the treasury secretary on commemorative coin designs.

According to e-mails, the White House played a key role in helping Mr. Noe win a seat on the newly minted committee.

Officially, House Speaker Hastert, an Illinois Republican, recommended Mr. Noe to Treasury Secretary Snow, but an e-mail from Ms. Marchessault to Kim Nickles, a treasury liaison to the White House, revealed that Mr. Noe was an “original White House recommendation,” whom she was “finally able to get on the committee through the congressional recommendations.”

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