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Ryan was a crook, and corruption kills.

In November 1994, Willis, his wife and six children were headed to Milwaukee when a piece of a semitrailer truck fell off and hit their van, causing an explosion. The trucker, Ricardo Guzman, didn’t speak English and couldn’t understand radio calls that the part was about to fall off. It was later discovered that Guzman paid a bribe to illegally get his license under Ryan’s administration.

Prosecutors want former secretary of state inspector Russell Sonneveld to testify that Ryan’s handpicked inspector general, Dean Bauer, blocked him from probing the crash. Collins said he should be able to rebut statements Fawell made under Webb’s cross-examination that Ryan dismantled the inspector general’s office in 1995 for good policy reasons and that neither ever blocked an internal probe.

“We should be able to show that this was a whitewash,” Collins said. “What they were about was quashing the legitimate investigative arm of the secretary of state’s office.”

All six children were killed in this crash.

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