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Open Civil War in Streets of Baghdad


While the February bombing of a Shi’ite shrine pushed Iraq to the edge of civil war and left hundreds of bodies with bullet holes and torture marks on the streets, the scenario in Adhamiya is more alarming, despite fewer casualties.

It appeared to be the first example of a large-scale, open sectarian street battle in the capital, if not all of Iraq.

The boldness of the attack was a stark reminder of the security nightmare that will challenge the new government, which will face a Sunni insurgency that has killed many thousands of Shi’ite security forces and civilians.

“Today at noon a group of army soldiers came near the Abu Hanifa mosque and a sniper went on top of the roof. We managed to kill him with a grenade. I destroyed three of their vehicles with roadside bombs,” said another rebel.

Insurgents setting up barricades said they saw Shi’ite fighters calling themselves The Army of Haidar closing in on the Abu Hanifa mosque from three directions.

Think about this. Sunni insurgents, Shi’ite militias, the non-combat capable “Iraq Army,” and US soldiers all in the same battle. Then read the post below this again, about the US ignoring the militias.

Police also found 15 bullet-riddled bodies across Baghdad of men shot execution-style in apparent sectarian bloodshed.

Here is the Washington Post’s story on the Baghdad street battle.

“Massive Attack” on US Marines in Ramadi
Australian wire

The city of Ramadi, the capital of the western Al-Anbar province also remained tense today. US troops there came under massive attack on Tuesday, with several car bombs shaking the heavily fortified government building that houses a marine base and provincial government offices.

Here is another more detailed account of the Ramadi attacks.

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