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Kolbe in Second Page-Related Probe

The ethics committee will investigate allegations of Republican Representative Kolbe’s improper behavior towards underage kids.

“Both Congressman Kolbe and Foley were known as friends of pages and really mentored the pages,” said Billy Peard, a former page. Matt Schmitz, another former page, said he cautioned his younger brother, who also was a page, not to get too close to members of Congress.

“Really mentored?” How, and for what purpose? “Stay away from him, he might ‘mentor’ you too much.”

UPDATE: Jeff Trandahl, former House Clerk, testified for 4 hours today to the Ethics Committee. He fingered a second Hastert aide (Van Der Mied) as having extensive knowledge of Foley’s activities. Hastert Chief of Staff Scott Palmer was already shown by Foley aide Kirk Fordham to have known about Foley’s actions.

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