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Attackers in Karbala Wore US Uniforms

This is what happens when the government of Iraq is run by a man beholden to Sadr, who wants to kill US troops:

New details also emerged about clashes on Saturday in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, which left five Americans dead. Lt. Col. Scott R. Bleichwehl, an American military spokesman, said the gunmen who stormed the provincial governor’s office during a meeting between American and local officials were wearing what appeared to be American military uniforms in an effort to impersonate United States soldiers.

The sophisticated attack hinted at what could be a new threat for American troops as they start a fresh security plan centered on small bases in Baghdad’s bloodiest neighborhoods, where troops will live and work with Iraqi forces. One of the American military’s greatest concerns, military officials have said, is that troops will be vulnerable to attack from killers who appear to be colleagues.

The Pentagon still refuses to say which “illegal militia” these killers came from. They arrived in a convoy of their own brand new, US-made SUVs. The situation in Iraq this weekend is horrific.

MOSUL – Five unidentified bodies were delivered to the morgue in the northern city of Mosul on Saturday, a hospital source said.
ISKANDARIYA – Gunmen who set up a fake security checkpoint killed two people and wounded four at Iskandariya, just south of Baghdad, police said. The town lies on the main route from Baghdad to the holy cities of Najaf and Kerbala, where hundreds of thousands of Shi’ite pilgrims are expected to converge by the end of the 10-day rite of Ashura, which began on Saturday.
BAGHDAD – Police found 29 bodies with gunshot wounds to the head and signs of torture in various parts of Baghdad in the 24 hours to Saturday evening, a police source said.

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