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Another Hundred Dead in Iraq; College Dean Murdered, Mortar Attacks


* HILLA – Two suicide bombers kill 45 people and wound 150 when they blow themselves up near a market in the town of Hilla, 100 km (60 miles) south of Baghdad, police say.
BAGHDAD – Car bomb in Baghdad’s Rusafi shopping district kills three people and wounds seven, police say.
* QAEM – A car bomb targeting an Iraqi army and police patrol in the town of Qaem, near the Syrian border, kills three soldiers and wounds six, police say.
* MOSUL – The bodies of seven men, all shot dead, were found in the northern city of Mosul, hospital sources said.
BAGHDAD – Ten mortar rounds landed on the Adhamiya district of Baghdad, killing two people and wounding nine, Interior Ministry sources said.
DIWANIYA – Gunmen attacked a police patrol killing two policemen in Diwaniya, 180 km (112) miles south of Baghdad, police said.
TIKRIT – The governor of Tikrit escaped death when a suicide bomber blew himself up near his car at the College of Law, wounding four people, including two students, in Tikrit, 175 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
BAQUBA – Gunmen broke into the Physical Education College of Diyala and killed the dean, Walhan Hamed al-Rubaie, in Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
BAGHDAD – Six people were killed and 12 wounded when a suicide bomber blew himself up in a minibus in the central Baghdad district of Karrada, police said.
BAGHDAD – The U.S. military said its troops killed one “foreign terrorist facilitator” and detained 29 suspected insurgents in several operations throughout Iraq on Thursday.
BAGHDAD – The U.S. military said its troops killed four insurgents who appeared to be planting a roadside bomb in an air strike northwest of Baghdad on Wednesday evening.
DIWANIYA – Gunmen killed two policemen in the southern city of Diwaniya on Wednesday evening and wounded a third, police sources said.
MOSUL – Police found the bodies of three people in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, including two students, police in the city said.
MOSUL – A mortar round killed two civilians when they landed in a residential area of Mosul, police said.
ANBAR PROVINCE – A U.S. soldier died from wounds sustained in an attack on Tuesday in the insurgent stronghold province of Anbar in western Iraq, the U.S. military said.


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