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Tricky, Dick.

Froomkin deserves a journalism award for forcing some of these reporters on the Cheney beat to spit out the truth. This is a must read. Cheney, in the last hours of his trip, spoke to reporters on the strict condition that he only be named as a “senior administration official.” Then proceeded to say this:

“Let me just make one editorial comment here. I’ve seen some press reporting says, ‘Cheney went in to beat up on them, threaten them.’ That’s not the way I work. I don’t know who writes that, or maybe somebody gets it from some source who doesn’t know what I’m doing, or isn’t involved in it. But the idea that I’d go in and threaten someone is an invalid misreading of the way I do business.”

How Cheney Rolls-a leather-padded Airstream trailer strapped inside a C-17. I’m not joking.

Chicago Tribune reporter Mark Silva (who was caught in a lie by Froomkin and forced to confess) said this about the trip:

We were in the air with Cheney for a sum total of about 65 hours. We spent nine days with him, saw seven countries with him and got about three minutes on the record with the vice president.

Rummy was told a week before the 2006 election that he’d be out if the GOP lost. What was Cheney told about his position after the upcoming Libby verdict?

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