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Iraq War Goes On

March 20 (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Iraq as of 1015 GMT on Tuesday:
* indicates new or updated item
* BAGHDAD – U.S.-led forces conducted a raid in the Hurriya district of northwest Baghdad, detaining three people, the U.S. military said, adding that three suspected insurgents were killed by small arms fire.
* BAGHDAD – A car bomb killed three people and wounded seven others near a bridge in Karrada district in central Baghdad, police said.
* BAGHDAD – Iraqi army soldiers killed three insurgents and arrested 101 others during the last 24 hours in different parts of Iraq, the Defence Ministry said
* FALLUJA – Police found the body of a man with gunshot wounds in the Sunni stronghold of Falluja, 50 km (35 miles) west of Baghdad, police said.
* BAGHDAD – U.S. forces detained nine suspected insurgents during raids in Mosul and Baghdad targeting the al-Qaeda network in Iraq, the U.S. military said. One of the detainees reportedly procures chemicals for the production of bombs, it said.
BAGHDAD – Police said they found bodies of 30 people shot on Monday in different districts of Baghdad, police said.
BAGHDAD – A car bomb near a police station killed at least five people and wounded 17 others in central Baghdad, police said. Another police source said six people were killed people and 21 others wounded.
AL-ZAB – Gunmen killed a man and wounded another in the town of al-Zab, 70 km (40 miles) south west of Kirkuk, police said.
BAGHDAD – A bomb in a mini bus wounded four people in eastern Baghdad, police said.
BAGHDAD – A mortar round landed on a residential district and wounded a man in Zaafaraniya district, south of Baghdad, police said.

KIRKUK – A car bomb wounded three people on Monday in the northern city of Kirkuk, 250 km (155 miles) north of Baghdad, police said. It was the seventh explosion in Kirkuk on Monday.
BAGHDAD – Mortar rounds wounded five people on Monday just north of Baghdad, police said. They said mortars in southeastern Baghdad wounded another four.
BAGHDAD – Saddam Hussein’s former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan was hanged in Baghdad on Tuesday for crimes against humanity, the third top aide to be executed since the toppled president was put to death in December, government spokesman Ali Dabbagh told Reuters.
BASRA – British military handed over a base they were occupying in the southern city of Basra to the Iraqi army on Tuesday, Hakim al-Mayahi, a member of the city council said.

By the way, Wednesday will probably begin the biggest Constitutional crisis phase since Watergate.

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