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DOJ Refuses To Hand Over Sampson’s White House e-mails

A late night admission by the DOJ that they are withholding documents from Congress. The withheld e-mails have titles like: “Discussion re: Sen. Pryor meeting with AG re: [Rove’s top aide] Griffin’s candidacy for USA” and “Request for information from Sen. Ensign re: dismissal of Bogden.” My favorite: “Notifying FBI of Union-Tribune article re: Lam’s resignation.” These e-mails are not “lost”; they have even revealed the subject headers of them, but will not release the content. There’s no legal basis to withhold these. Here is a pdf listing the dates, recipients and subject lines of the illegally withheld e-mails. This is the mother lode; when these are obtained Karl Rove will be finished in government employment, as well as subject to criminal indictment, I predict.

UPDATE: Excellent rundown of the highlights of this list and the possible information within.

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