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Miami the New Guantanamo?

Despicable, inhuman treatment leads to death of Miami jail inmate.

MIAMI (AP) — A diabetic jail inmate died after being left alone and covered in his own feces for a week, said his attorney, who accused officials of failing to get medical treatment for him despite knowing of his condition.

Rodolfo Ramos, who was awaiting trial on kidnapping charges, died April 14 at a hospital, and pictures at a news conference showed his body covered by some type of bite. He was taken to the hospital March 25 from his solitary cell, where he had been for several days.

“While incarcerated, Mr. Ramos was regularly seen by doctors and medical staff, and hospitalized as needed. … There is no indication of a lack of medical care or attention in his case,” the statement said.

So this is standard treatment of prisoners in a US civilian jail?


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