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Senate Judiciary Demands Compliance with DOJ Subpoena

This is about Gonzales missing the deadline of 2PM Tuesday to turn over all e-mails at DOJ that were from Rove over a certain time period. The letter is scathing and signed by both Leahy and Specter.

“You ignored the subpoena, did not come forward today, did not produce the documents and did not even offer an explanation for your noncompliance,� the senators wrote in a lettter to Alberto Gonzales today. “Your action today is in defiance of the Committee’s subpoena without explanation of any legal basis for doing so.�

UPDATE: Gonzales has “responded,” with literally ONE e-mail.

The Department searched the email accounts of sixteen Justice Department officials over the period of November 1, 2004 through May 2, 2007. All they found, according to the letter from Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Richard Hertling, was a single email sent on February 28, 2007 forwarding a copy of McClatchy’s bombshell story on U.S. Attorney for New Mexico David Iglesias. Attached is an already produced email from Rove’s aide Scott Jennings warning that the story was on its way (Jennings notes that Sen. Pete Domenici’s (R-NM) strategy is “not to respond [to requests for comment] and hopefully make this a one day story”).

Hertling added in the letter that the Department is continuing to search for relevant documents.

This adds insult to injury. It’s going to court, and Congress will win.

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