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This is the reason that the GOP filibustered the troop withdrawal bill, putting it off until September. They knew this was about to happen. The announcement of this vacation by a motley crew of corrupt Iraqi puppets was actually made by Tony Snow, the White House press spokesman. Bush insists on keeping our servicepeople in a cauldron of death, 115° in the shade, dying at the rate of 3-5 a day, so that the 0-for-18 Iraqi Parliament can go off to Cairo and Amman on vacation at US taxpayers’ expense.

Look at yesterday’s news in light of this announcement, which Snow held back until today: The GOP members of the Senate filibustered the bill to withdraw US troops from Iraq yesterday, knowing that their corrupt Iraqi “counterparts” were wanting to go on vacation for a month. There’s no way they could have continued the filibuster once the vacation plans were known; so the White House simply told the Iraqis to stay quiet.

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