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GOP Blocks Bill to Begin Troop Withdrawal

This is the status quo a minority (along with Bush-Cheney) are trying to continue indefinitely:

July 18 (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Iraq at 1400 GMT on Wednesday:
* denotes new or updated items.
* ISKANDARIYA – Chief of police of Iskandariya and five bodyguards abducted during clashes in the town 40 km (25 miles) south Baghdad, police said. One badly injured bodyguard was later found.
* BAQUBA – One villager killed and 15 others wounded by gunmen who stormed a Shi’ite village in Diyala, two days after 29 were shot dead in a nearby Shi’ite community, police said.
* KUT – Three sisters seriously wounded by a mortar round that struck their home in the southern city of Kut, police said.
* JURF AL-SAKHAR – Two civilians killed and four wounded by a roadside bomb near Jurf al-Sakhar, 85 km south of Baghdad, police said.
* MAHAWEEL – Two bodies dumped in Mahaweel, 75 km south of Baghdad, police said.
* KIRKUK – One civilian shot dead in front of his home in a drive by shooting in a southern part of Kirkuk, police said.
* DAQUQ – Badly mutilated body with multiple gunshot wounds dumped in Daquq, 45 km south of Kirkuk, police said.
* TARMIYA – Three suspected militants killed and two others detained by U.S. forces in Tarmiya, north of Baghdad, the military said.
BAGHDAD – Three U.S. soldiers killed in Baghdad on Tuesday, the military said. One soldier was killed by a roadside bomb in east Baghdad which also wounded four other soldiers. Two soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb in west Baghdad.
NASSIRIYA – Clashes between Mehdi Army of Shi’ite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and Iraqi police in the southern Shi’ite city of Nassiriya, police said. No reports of casualties.
BAGHDAD – At least six people killed by a pair of roadside bombs in the al-Amin area of south east Baghdad, police said.
BAGHDAD – The bodies of 24 people were found shot in different districts of Baghdad on Tuesday, police said.

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