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Bushco Tries to Sneak Through FISA Changes

Most of this article is inaccurate and borderline deceptive in its description of the domestic spying details, however note this information towards the very end:

This latest chapter of trouble for Gonzales comes as the Bush administration is trying to speed through a “significantly narrowed” group of changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act before Congress leaves Washington for its August recess.

One of the changes would ensure U.S. authorities could intercept communications between suspected terrorists overseas without a warrant when those communications — due to modern technology — may travel through a switch in the United States.

According to a letter obtained by CNN, Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell informed House and Senate leaders Friday that the administration is willing to temporarily shelve the broader FISA reform plan it’s been advocating for months. The goal would be to immediately push through a smaller package of changes that would “close the critical gaps in our intelligence capability in the short-term.”

The letter describes an “urgent” need for the intelligence community to provide warnings.

In his national radio address on Saturday, Bush pressed for Congress to approve changes the 1978 act.

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