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Iraqi Governor Accuses US Troops in Shooting

Because you see, our relations with Iraqis are just great.

BAQUBA – A roadside bomb targeting a U.S. foot patrol in Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) north of Baghdad, killed at least three children, two of them siblings, and wounded seven people, police said.
DIWANIYA – Iraqi security forces captured 47 militants, including three Mehdi Army leaders, and confiscated weapons in Diwaniya, 180 km (112 miles) south of Baghdad, a police official said.
SAMAWA – The provincial governor of Muthanna province accused U.S. troops of opening fire on civilian cars south of Baghdad, wounding six people, and threatened to suspend ties with U.S. officials over the attack. A U.S. statement said that a U.S. military convoy was involved in “an incident” that resulted in the death of two Iraqis and wounded four more, but gave no additional details.

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