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Destruction of Iraq Continues

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Dec 10 (Reuters) – Following are security developments in Iraq at 1800 GMT on Monday.
* denotes new or updated items.
* BAGHDAD – Seven inmates were killed and 21 wounded when several mortar rounds struck an Interior Ministry jail in central Baghdad, an Iraqi security official said. The U.S. military said the attack was caused by rockets and gave a death toll of five detainees.
* BAGHDAD – Six bodies were found dumped across Baghdad on Monday, police said.
* TUZ KHURMATO – A roadside bomb detonated at a police patrol killing four policemen including a colonel and wounding seven others in Tuz Khurmato, 70 km south of Kirkuk, police said.
BAIJI – A suicide car bomber killed one Iraqi soldier and wounded two others in an attack on a checkpoint in the city of Baiji, 180 km (110 miles) north of Baghdad, police said.
RAMADI – Police found a body with gunshot wounds and signs of torture near Ramadi, 110 km (70 miles) west of Baghdad, police said.
BAGHDAD – U.S. forces detained 27 gunmen during operations targeting al Qaeda in central and northern Iraq on Sunday and Monday, the U.S. military said.
BAGHDAD – A rocket attack caused a large fire in a storage tank at a domestic oil refinery in southern Baghdad but the plant was still operating, Iraqi police and oil officials said. The U.S. military said an industrial accident had caused a pipeline explosion at the plant.
BAGHDAD – A roadside bomb wounded four police commandos and one civilian in eastern Baghdad’s Baladiyat district, police said.
BAGHDAD – Five people were wounded by a roadside bomb in western Baghdad’s Mansour district, police said. Three policemen were among the wounded, another police source said.
BAGHDAD – Gunmen killed two civilians in their car in central Baghdad’s Karrada district, police said.
BAGHDAD – Five bodies were found in different areas of Baghdad on Sunday, police said.
HAWIJA – Gunmen killed a member of a neighbourhood police patrol in a drive by-shooting at a checkpoint in Hawija, 70 km (45 miles) southwest of Kirkuk, on Sunday, police said.
MOSUL – Gunmen killed a Christian girl in a market in Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, on Sunday, police said.
BAGHDAD – Mortar bombs killed one civilian and wounded two others in northern Baghdad on Sunday, police said.

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