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US Increased Airstrikes Fivefold in 2007

Bombing from the air in a purportedly friendly country with which you are not at war is a sign of both lack of ground forces and military desperation. Increasing those bombings by a factor of five in on year is an admission of defeat. Note the video showing 3 insurgents getting killed by a “Hellfire AGM-114P missile.” Each of those missiles costs you at least $65,000. Since the US military pays on average less than $2,000 to the surviving Iraqi relatives of innocent civilians killed, it means that an Iraqi insurgent’s life is worth 32 times as much to the US military as an innocent civilian’s.

Correction: In the video shown by the Post, the $65,000+ missile kills 3 Iraqi insurgents, so that would be $22,000 per dead Iraqi, “only” 10 times as much as the military pays out for an innocent civilian Iraqi death in some cases.

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