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Senate: Bush Lied On Pre-War Intel

Phase II Senate Intelligence report released after literally 4 years of delay. Report concludes Bush knew statements about intelligence on Iraq were false as he said them. BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED.

“There is no question we all relied on flawed intelligence. But, there is a fundamental difference between relying on incorrect intelligence and deliberately painting a picture to the American people that you know is not fully accurate,” Rockefeller said in a statement.

Among the reports conclusions:

Claims by President Bush that Iraq and al Qaida had a partnership “were not substantiated by the intelligence.”
The president and vice president misrepresented what was known about Iraq’s chemical weapons capabiliies.
Rumsfeld misrepresented what the intelligence community knew when he said Iraq’s weapons productions facilities were buried deeply underground.
Cheney’s claim that the intelligence community had confirmed that lead Sept. 11 hijacker Mohammed Atta had met an Iraqi intelligence officer in Prague in 2001 was not true.

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