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Now we know, McCain and Boehner torpedoed the stunt-meeting at the White House over a plan that McCain HAD NEVER SEEN OR READ. How’s that for temperamental and impulsive? His time to do homework is running out; his plane is on the way to Mississippi for the debate and he’s going to be asked what his position is on the bailout, as is Obama.

Glenn Greenwald writes


In less than 48 hours, McCain went from “I’m far too patriotic to debate unless there is a deal that is done — there’s no deal until there’s a deal” to “I’m going to debate even though there’s no deal.” Is there any way to describe that other than, as Spencer Ackerman put it, a “humiliating failure”? The New York Times’s Patrick Healy today inanely ponders whether “In a Time of Crisis, Is Obama Too Cool?” (Didn’t Rudy Giuliani become the Greatest Man Ever in History because of his post-9/11 coolness?) But surely excessive stoicism is vastly preferable to the sort of unstable, flailing panic that McCain has exhibited this week, where he issues a definitive, emphatic pledge which, less than 2 days later, is completely abandoned with little real explanation.

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