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The plot thickens, as I suspected it would. Fake “victim” Ashley Todd, came from the national office of the College Republicans to Pennsylvania, just before the hoax occurred. There should be a serious, official and thorough investigation of this attempt to start racial violence in the United States for political reasons.  UPDATE: has begun such an investigation, and one of their first discoveries is that the original KDKA story I linked to (below on this blog) has been scrubbed. The McCain campaign pushed the story hard, when the facts were not known, in an incendiary and racially heightened way, beyond even the claims of the fake victim.

PREDICTION: I believe it will develop that Ms. Todd fabricated a story to the police about a “black attacker,” but never claimed any political angle to her fabricated attack whatsoever; and that the “You’re a McCain supporter,” etc. angle will be proven to be entirely and wholly a creation of the McCain campaign.

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