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AP Analysis -Note Headline

If you don’t want to read my own take on it below or are not sure about it in anyway, read this instead and note how it coincides with what I am saying.AP Article linked at the Washington Post web site.

(AP headline) Bush Claimed Right to Waive Torture Laws
“…Bush’s previously secret Feb. 7, 2002, order also agrees with Justice and Pentagon lawyers that a president can ignore U.S. law and treaties.”

“…Rumsfeld’s Nov. 27, 2002, memo approved several methods which apparently would violate Geneva Convention rules…”

“…Prisoners at Abu Ghraib were interrogated for as long as 20 hours at a time, kept hooded and naked, intimidated with dogs and forcibly shaved. Bush and other administration officials have said other treatment at the Iraqi prison, such as forcing prisoners to perform sex acts, beating them and piling them in a naked human pyramid, were unquestionably illegal.”

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