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Why That Song?

Since about the mid-1970s, I’ve had a very mixed opinion about the old rock song “I’d Love to Change the World” by Ten Years After. The lyrics seem to be coming from the point of view of an apolitical person overwhelmed by what is happening around him (the 1960s and it’s various liberation and antiwar movements). The singer, Alvin Lee, in my opinion formed back then, seemed to want it both ways; he wanted to mention the big issues of the day in a catchy way, but didn’t seem to care to take a position on them. So the question is, why has Michael Moore picked this song I assume as the featured soundtrack tune of his film? Click on the “Continue Reading…” link below to read the lyrics. I’ll leave it up to you….

I’d Love to Change The World
by Alvin Lee copyright blah etc..

Everywhere is freaks and hairies
Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity
Tax the rich, feed the poor
Till there are no rich no more?

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you

Population keeps on breeding
Nation bleeding, still more feeding economy
Life is funny, skies are sunny
Bees make honey, who needs money, Monopoly

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you

World pollution, there’s no solution
Institution, electrocution
Just black and white, rich or poor
Them and us, stop the war

I’d love to change the world
But I don’t know what to do
So I’ll leave it up to you

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