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On Tuesday night, the networks are going to declare the election for Obama quite early. I think he should wait quite some time before he makes his victory speech, at least an hour (a whole time zone) after they “call the election.” I also predict McCain will want to concede much earlier than Obama will want to come out and speak. Why? To increase the anger among the GOP faithful as much as possible during the next 4 years. Conceding early, because of the electoral map which will include wins for Obama in places like Nevada, New Mexico, and Colorado, will make it appear much more to some as if the media have simply crowned Obama the winner without evidence. The plan of Republican strategists is to “shock and awe” their faithful as much as possible with McCain’s loss, so that Obama’s win seems like some sort of “illegitimate seizure of power” rather than a landslide democratic election. For Obama, the longer he waits to deliver the victory speech the more clear it will become that he has really won.

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