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I’ve only made a quick look at these so far, but I noticed that one of the memos is a legal opinion “informing” Bush that he can rendition any US prisoner to another country, as long as the prisoner was not taken to the United States, where the memo claims other laws would apply. This would mean it was a key reason for locating the Bush gulag at the US military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, instead of having it on the US mainland. Those who have been critical of Obama on this issue (rendition) so far, please note: Obama has already announced he is moving all of the prisoners to the United States.  This means that if he plans to do any more “extraordinary renditions,” (as some critics claim he does), they could not involve any prisoner currently at Guantanamo.  Bush himself sent hundreds from Guantanamo off to countries where they were mistreated.  I think that in the end we’ll see that those who claim he wants to continue Bush policies on rendition are not just partially, but completely, wrong.

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