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Oklahoma House Votes To Override Henry, Ban Stem Cell Research

But the override failed in the Senate. Not content with their destruction, the House then voted to stop “Do You Realize?” by the Flaming Lips from being the state’s official rock song. This is what you get when you vote Republican.

UPDATE: According to the revised article, some members voted not to certify the song ostensibly due to Mike Ivins’ attire as pictured here when the band visited (and were applauded) by the legislature:

I’ve known Mike Ivins, an Oklahoma City-raised kid and proud of it, since he was 17 years old; he is no more a Communist than Will Rogers was. The state of Oklahoma has once again, due to these people, made itself into a national disgrace and laughingstock. No wonder Michael lives in New York. 

By the way, why would GOP legisltors in the year 2009 freak out over the symbol of a defeated Soviet state? Is this just a silly throwback to 1950s red-baiting? Take a look at this before you decide.

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