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Hate-Radio and Bloggers Attack Fox Flack for Coming Near the Truth

In the video posted yesterday, you can see Shepard Smith, who I call “the conscience” of Fox News, relating the obvious, that the DHS report predicting an upturn in right-wing extremist recruiting and violence, which was thoroughly attacked by Republicans in Congress, was correct. Now he’s being attacked by his “friends” such as Rush Limbaugh for saying it.

During his June 11 radio program, Rush Limbaugh said of Smith’s remarks: “For liberals to now claim that the atmosphere is somehow more violently anti-Obama is simply preposterous.”

This just in, from the investigators in DC, the killer left a note in his car, which reads:

“You want my weapons — this is how you’ll get them. The Holocaust is a lie. Obama was created by Jews. Obama does what his Jew owners tell him to do. Jews captured America’s money. Jews control the mass media.”

Wednesday, Limbaugh endorses the insane conspiracy theory that Obama is not a US citizen, somewhere in the same 3-hour time window as the killer’s car drive to the museum and the shooting itself. Thursday, Limbaugh says it’s “preposterous” to link the shooting in the Holocaust Museum to anti-Obama sentiment, just as the police releases an extremist anti-Obama note from the killer.

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