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Iran Update: Ruling Council Distancing Itself From Election Result

Just heard a top-of-the-hour report from the BBC, Iranian state radio is saying 7 were killed Monday in a clash between political supporters of different candidates at the big rally. BBC is also reporting that the opposition candidates have been invited to meet with the ruling council.  Here’s another BBC account which will probably be dated in the AM in the US. Both on the website and in broadcast the BBC is reporting an impression that the rulers are nervous about the previously-announced election result and backing away from supporting the official claims. In the radio version, they also implied that the 7 deaths may have been part of the motivation for backing down. This seemed like editorializing to me and was not supported with evidence. Ahmadinejad is in Russia on a state visit.  By the way, these kinds of blog reports are unhelpful and stupid in my opinion.

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