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Dueling Rallies in Tehran

Or at least rumors of an opposition rally, it’s very hard to tell because of a government ban on any reporting of demonstrations in the streets.  Hopefully the two groups will not meet, if there had been fighting we probably would have heard about it by now. There is also a very disturbing and fact-based story that journalists with temporary visas are being deported. The BBC reports that the ruling Council has authorized a “partial recount” of the results. Perhaps the best that the opposition can hope for at this point is a chance for a declaration that the election was close enough to have a runoff, but obviously the people running the government are reluctant to grant even that. I think it’s fairly important to their future that the opposition stay non-violent in appearance.

UPDATE: Juan Cole has more information about a possible split in the Iranian ruling clerical leadership, and says that Montazeri, who has not criticized the official result, is under house arrest. Montazeri is a rival to Khamanei.  McClatchy has some detail on Montazeri’s criticism.

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