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Iran Admits Over 100% Voter Turnout in “Only 50 Cities”

Some see this as an admission of unacceptable fraud by Iran’s Guardian Council. Another interpretation is that he was saying “only 50 cities” is well within that Council’s acceptable level of fraud in an election. This could also be showing the casual and open contempt Iranian political/religious leaders have for election accuracy. In my opinion, the 2000 Florida election controversy and further scandals afterwards with electronic “voting,” etc. show that the Iranian rulers and the US rulers have one philosophy in common, which is that voters mainly need to feel like they are participating and having a say when an election occurs, and the accuracy of the actual process is none of the voters’ business. This is their definition of “democracy,” in both countries, and many of the differences in our two systems are not so fundamental, but more of a matter of degree.

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