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GOP Rep Shrugs, Walks Away From Health Care Insurance Improvements

They don’t give a shit and they can’t be bothered to pretend they do anymore. These are the people Obama has been giving ground to all summer. In only two hours we can all stop giving him the benefit of the doubt, too.

Yesterday, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) held a town hall in Watkinsville, GA, where he fielded questions about health care legislation before Congress. At the conclusion of the town hall, Ryan Lewis, an Athens, GA, resident, approached the congressman and politely explained to him about how his health insurance company refuses to pay for his treatment. In response, Broun told Lewis, “We need to make insurance affordable.” Lewis then asked, “How do we do that?” Rather than offering a GOP solution to skyrocketing health care costs, Broun simply told him, “If you have a suggestion, send it to me” and quickly walked away.

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