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Presidential Salute


When the photo on the left was taken in 2003, Sgt. Dale Griffin, who is being saluted here by President Obama, was already serving in the Army.

Associated Press – October 29, 2009 7:14 AM ETTERRE HAUTE, Ind. (AP) – A soldier from western Indiana is among more than a dozen Americans killed in action this week in Afghanistan, with President Barack Obama taking part in the arrival transfer of his body at Dover Air Force Base.Army Sgt. Dale R. Griffin was a 1999 graduate of Terre Haute South High School. His mother says he joined the Army soon after the 2001 terrorist attacks.Griffin was the state runner-up in wrestling in the 189-pound weight class as a high school senior.Griffin was among 18 U.S. military personnel and drug agents whose bodies arrived early Thursday at the Air Force base in Delaware. The flag-draped remains of Griffin were carried off a plane by six soldiers as Obama and others in a line of honor saluted.

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