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All Senate GOP Amendments To Health Care Fixes Bill Shot Down

All of last night’s amendments were shot down; the Senate is on schedule to finish killing them all (they are all Republican amendments) by 2PM. As I write this, Coburn is proposing an “amendment” that would allow people to carry guns around inside VA hospitals. That’s how the GOP rolls. The bill is going to fixed exactly to the House’s demands, greatly improving it, and the Senate will be in nearly continuous session (4-5 hours sleep) until it is done.

UPDATE: 29 out of 29 GOP poison pill amendments, many of them by Coburn and Inhofe, were shot down Wednesday night, with the session ending past 3AM. Today, 11 out of 11 more were shot down one by one, and the final vote for reconciliation is under way. The bill will go back to the House this afternoon due to two parliamentary points of order regarding student loan reform. That is a very interesting story and more on it later BUT DOES NOT AFFECT THE PASSAGE OF HEALTH CARE REFORM.

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