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Georgia GOP Legislative Commitee Approves Microchip Ban

There is a similar bill in the now-GOP-controlled Oklahoma state legislature, sponsored by Brogdon. This is literally insane.

At the House hearing, state Rep. Ed Setzler (R-Kennesaw), who is shouldering the legislation in the House, spoke earnestly for better than a half hour on microchips as a literal invasion of privacy. He was followed by a hefty woman who described herself as a resident of DeKalb County. “I’m also one of the people in Georgia who has a microchip,” the woman said. Slowly, she began to lead the assembled lawmakers down a path they didn’t want to take. Microchips, the woman began, “infringe on issues that are fundamental to our very existence. Our rights to privacy, our rights to bodily integrity, the right to say no to foreign objects being put in our body. She spoke of the “right to work without being tortured by co-workers who are activating these microchips by using their cell phones and other electronic devices.” She continued. “Microchips are like little beepers. Just imagine, if you will, having a beeper in your rectum or genital area, the most sensitive area of your body. And your beeper numbers displayed on billboards throughout the city. All done without your permission,” she said.

It was not funny, and no one laughed.“Ma’am, did you say you have a microchip?” asked state Rep. Tom Weldon (R-Ringgold). “Yes, I do. This microchip was put in my vaginal-rectum area,” she replied. Setzler, the sponsoring lawmaker, sat next to the witness – his head bowed. “You’re saying this was involuntary?” Weldon continued. The woman said she had been pushing a court case through the system for the last eight years to have the device removed.Wendell Willard (R-Atlanta), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, picked up the questioning. “Who implanted this in you?” he asked.“Researchers with the federal government,” she said. “And who in the federal government implanted it?” Willard asked.“The Department of Defense.” “Thank you, ma’am.”The woman was allowed to go about her business, and the House Judiciary Committee approved passage of SB 235.

Another “man with a microchip” who has also had a running dispute for eight years, decided to deal with his “microchip problem” in a different way. He shot up the hospital in Knoxville Tennessee yesterday afternoon, killing one person and then himself.

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