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All you people stuck on watching underwater videos posted to distract you and build up false hope wake up time.

UPDATE: Take a look at their much-anticipated “LMRP Cap.”


If I read tonight that President Obama himself cancelled any more of this foolishness from taking place, I’d be proud to support him in that decision.UPDATE 2:

Bloomberg’s source was the head of the Coast Guard, who as usual put out something confusing and misleading. Work continues underwater, after 6 weeks they’ve cut off the riser for the first time and are now going to cut the riser again at the very top of the BOP. Here is a picture from a few minutes ago of a saw in position to do so on the top of the blowout preventer. Keep in mind however, that the ridiculous funnel pictured above is supposed to be the cure-all device that will be applied after this second cut.


The ridiculous, trumpet-shaped hood shown above will be placed over the gushing, cut pipe if they succeed, creating a giant 360 degree cloud of oil that will make it impossible to see what the flow rate is. It won’t stop the oil from coming out at all. Is this something to get hopeful about?

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