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This blog has been consistent in saying that the exploded BP well is damaged below the seabed and above the oil formation. Here is a long list of links that seem to confirm this. This is what the President of Shell said on Friday.

Yuma, Ariz.: What are the chances that the well casing below the sea floor has been compromised, and that gas and oil are coming up the outside of the well casing, eroding the surrounding soft rock. Could this lead to a catastrophic geological failure, unstoppable even by the relief wells?

John Hofmeister: This is what some people fear has occurred. It is also why the “top kill” process was halted. If the casing is compromised the well is that much more difficult to shut down, including the risk that the relief wells may not be enough. If the relief wells do not result in stopping the flow, the next and drastic step is to implode the well on top of itself, which carries other risks as well.

We really need to find out what went wrong from the beginning so that we don’t have this happen again.

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