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Statement of Abu Ghraib Victim Kasim Hilas

Pdf file, here.
The file is password protected by Acrobat; you can read it but some
readers may not be able to show it. This is exactly what you are not ever supposed to see about Abu Ghraib. It’s not for sensitive people.

That’s not all; the Denver Post has the story of naked prisoners forced to stand in the rain for 12 hours, and more:

Other abuse cases outside Abu Ghraib are under investigation by the Army, documents show:

–Two prisoners who exhibited bruises and cuts after being held at a facility near Mosul, Iraq, alleged that “coalition forces” abused them and poured water on them during interrogations last March. A commander, Brig. Gen. Carter Ham, issued a finding that the accused soldiers did not act improperly. He blamed the detainees’ bruises on the “physical nature of the apprehension, passive resistance by feigning exhaustion and falling to one’s knees, prolonged kneeling during interrogation and pre-existing medical conditions.” No update was provided on the criminal investigation.

–A sergeant is under investigation for assaulting two detainees in early May while moving them in a vehicle between two camps. When they arrived, several soldiers noticed bruises on both detainees, as well as other injuries including a broken collarbone and ruptured eardrum. Aggravated assault charges are pending against the soldier, according to the records.

–In early June, two detainees at Camp Eagle reported that two Iraqi interpreters threatened them with death if they did not respond truthfully to questions. American soldiers are alleged to have been present, according to the report. “The detainees also accused the interpreters of pulling their hair, striking them in the head, throwing them to the ground and prodding them with a metal object.” No suspects have been identified, according to the report.

–A detainee at the Division Central Collection Point in Tikrit reported he had been tied, blindfolded and placed in a “crate about four feet high that required him to sit on the floor of the box with his knees to his chest.” The report notes that he was in the custody of a special forces unit. The incident occurred between May 9 and 11.

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