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Anatomy of a Lie

A heinous Lie – note the headlines below from talk-radio fans’ favorite “new” website Wednesday:

Read on after the cut to see a total dissection of this incredible (literally) lie:

Here’s the UPI story denying “a story” that nuclear missiles were found
in Baghdad. The real question is of course, where the hell did this false claim that was denied anyway come from? And why this UPI story if it is a false rumor, already denied?

Note the “NewsMax” headline used for the UPI story:

Nuclear Missiles Reportedly Found in Iraq

and compare that to the actual headline of the UPI story (UPI by the way
is owned by Pat Robertson these days).

So, the source of the untrue non-story is “Baghdad newspaper al-Sabah”.

Who is al-sabah?

Under their reprint of Al-Sabah story “Baghdad hotel sit-in turns nasty” we see this:

(Al-Sabah is issued daily by the Iraqi Media Network on behalf of the
Coalition Provisional Authority.)

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