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Sandy Berger Allegations Totally Destroyed

Lou Dobbs interviews two 9/11 commissioners, here’s the excerpt. Print it, mass e-mail it to your relatives, spread it far and wide. Don’t assume that someone you know has seen this, make sure they know. Slate Gorton, quoted below, is a Republican former Senator.

DOBBS: Let me ask you, not necessarily directly on point, but certainly related. Sandy Berger, the former head of the national security — national security adviser under the Clinton administration, accused of, and admitting taking classified documents from the National Archives, those notes, whether copies or originals still unclear. Did the commission review that material, to what — can you shed any light on what happened there? Slade Gorton, first.

GORTON: Well, we can’t shed any light on exactly what happened there and on Sandy Berger’s troubles with the Justice Department and the Archives. What we can say unequivocally is we had all of that information. We have every one of those documents. All of them have — are infused in and are a part of our report.

DOBBS: So the commission was denied no information as a result of whatever Sandy Berger did or did not do at the National Archives?

GORTON: That’s precisely correct.

GORELICK: And we have been so assured by the Justice Department.

Dobbs, Gorton & Gorelick
Lou Dobbs Tonight

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